নতুন যুব-নেতৃত্বাধীন 'ন্যাশনাল সিটিজেন পার্টি' শীর্ষ নেতাদের নাম প্রকাশ করেছে - সম্পূর্ণ তালিকা ভিতরে 

With over 57 percent of the population being less than 29 years old, NCP targets youth at reclaiming Bangladesh from political manipulation by the old parties
1 মিনিট পড়া
86 ভিউ
'National Citizen Party' Reveals Top Leaders
(C): sushi_lushi1 - Twitter

In what would be a first in the historical movement, youthful revolutionaries who brought down former Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina in August of last year have formed a new political party “National Citizen Party.” NCP promises to save Bangladesh’s sovereignty and culture and future from foreign domination under Nahid Islam, the ex-member of Muhammad Yunus interim government. 

Thousands of youths and students gathered in Manik Mia Avenue in Dhaka chanting ‘Inqilab Zindabad’ (‘Long Live Revolution’). With over 57 percent of the population being less than 29 years old, NCP targets youth at reclaiming Bangladesh from political manipulation through unity and self-determination thus restoring national pride. 

“We are not Pro-Indian or Pro-Pakistani, We will make Bangladesh with the interest of Bangladeshi people. The fascist government has destroyed the state institutions in the last 15 years,” Nahid Islam stated in the launch.

আরও পড়ুন: বেক্সিমকো কর্মীদের পাওনা ৫২৫.৪৬ কোটি টাকা পরিশোধের জন্য সরকার সরকারি তহবিল ব্যবহার করবে

Students Running ‘New Citizen Party’ Leaders List:

ConvenorNahid Islam
Member SecretaryAkhtar Hossain
Chief CoordinatorNasiruddin Patwary
Senior Joint Convenor-1Abdul Hannan Masud
Senior Joint ConvenorSamantha Sharmin
Senior Joint ConvenorAriful Islam Adib
Senior Joint Member SecretaryTasnim Zara
Senior Joint Member SecretaryNahida Sarwar Nibha
Chief Organiser (North)Sarjis Alam
Chief Organiser (South)Hasnat Abdullah
Office SecretarySaleh Uddin Sifat

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