যমুনা রেল সেতু উদ্বোধন: বাংলাদেশের দীর্ঘতম রেল সেতু – বিস্তারিত জানুন

Compared to Jamuna multipurpose bridge where cracks strained trains to just 20 km/h, this Jamuna Rail Bridge is a massive upgrade.
1 মিনিট পড়া
92 ভিউ
Jamuna Rail Bridge
(C)The Business Standard - Facebook

Bangladesh has officially opened the Jamuna Rail Bridge, the longest railway bridge in the country which will improve rail connectivity between Dhaka and northwestern Bangladesh. Railways Secretary Md Fahimul Islam was chief guest at the inaugural ceremony that took place at the Ibrahimabad Railway Station on the eastern bank. In attendance, Japanese Ambassador Saida Shinichi and Director General of JICA South Asia were present.

The bridge is 4.8 km long and consists of 50 pillars and 49 spans which is designed for trains to run at 120 km/h to reduce travel time drastically. Compared to Jamuna multipurpose bridge where cracks strained trains to just 20 km/h, this is a massive upgrade. Work started in March 2020 and people from Japan and 7000 other countries workers also took part.

The project’s total cost has gone up to Tk 16,780.96 crore out of which 72.40% expenditure has been financed by JICA. The bridge can carry broad gauge freight trains to boost trade especially imports from India. Commercial operations began in February but the full speed train services start today.

Initially called the Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Railway Bridge, the bridge was renamed the Jamuna Rail Bridge by a government gazette in December 2024. This marks an important step in developing the railway network in Bangladesh.

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