Who Are the Top Six Leaders of Bangladesh’s New Political Party?

The New political party and student organization formation is going to change the socio-political map of Bangladesh for good. The official release on 26th February at Manik Mia Avenue is expected to be a big political scene!
1 মিনিট পড়া
128 ভিউ
New Political Party
(C)Sudhir Panwar twitter

On February 26th, a new political party in Bangladesh is going to be launched by the young leaders from Anti-Discrimination Student Movement (ADSM) and National Citizen Committee. Formed on the foundation of inclusive democracy and people power, this party would add new blood to the political scene. 

The party is organized around consensus governance hence its leadership is balanced. Emphasising on student welfare and public service, the party plans to enable a progressive platform entirely with youth-led governance. 

Well, this political party and student organization formation is going to change the socio-political map of Bangladesh for good. The official release on 26th February at Manik Mia Avenue is expected to be a big political scene.

Leadership Structure of the New Political Party:

ConvenerNahid IslamInterim Government Advisor (Resigning)
Member SecretaryAkhtar HossainNational Citizen Committee Member Secretary
Chief OrganizerSarjis AlamAnti-Discrimination Student Movement Leader
SpokespersonHasnat AbdullahPolitical Activist
Senior Joint ConvenerAli Ahsan ZunaedFormer DU Student Wing President
Senior Joint Member SecretaryNasiruddin PatwariNational Citizen Committee Convener

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