MPPSC has released the admit cards for SSE Prelims 2025. The applicants of this exam can download their respective admit cards from the official site of MPPSC easily.
Here is the step to download your Admit card:
1. Go to the MPPSC homepage
2. Look for the section named Admit Card.
3. Hit the link that refers to the Admit Card for State Services Preliminary Examination 2025.
4. Enter your application number and date of birth in the boxes provided.
5. Submit it and take a printout of your admit card.
Also check the name, date of examination and test center on the admit card. In the case of discrepancies, kindly dial in to the MPPSC helpline.
Important Information
- The MPPSC SSE Prelims 2025 will be held on 16 February 2025
- The examination will have two sessions:
Morning Session: 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Afternoon Session: 2:15 PM to 4:15 PM
- Candidates must reach the examination center at least 30 minutes before the exam starts.
- A valid photo ID proof along with the admit card should be carried to the examination center.
Candidates are advised to keep visiting the official MPPSC website for further details and updates.